Horse stuff

Black crumb oil - 1 liter

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Organic quality

lowers the blood sugar level

strengthens defenses & respiratory system

protects the stomach


marstall black cumin oil is obtained from 100% organic Egyptian black cumin - gently cold pressed and bottled in the Allgäu region. It lowers blood sugar levels, strengthens the immune system and respiratory tract and protects the stomach.

Several studies show that black cumin oil lowers blood sugar levels by significantly affecting the blood glucose concentration. Thus, it has an antidiabetic effect.

Thanks to its four antioxidants, black cumin oil has a positive effect on the immune system and respiratory system.

marstall black cumin oil further promotes the formation of mucus in the stomach, which protects the stomach walls. At the same time, this increases the concentration of radical scavengers, in technical terms glutathione concentration, in the stomach. This stimulates the immune system and has a side anti-inflammatory effect.

Black cumin from Egypt has been proven for generations. Marstall black cumin oil can be used internally. It is also excellent for the care of skin and coat of horses.


Feeding recommendation for Marstall Black Cumin Oil to supplement a ration

Small horse/pony

approx. 10 ml to 20 ml/day


approx. 20 ml to 30 ml/day